White Window Name Badges

If your organization’s members or company’s employees are constantly coming and going, our Window Name Badges are the perfect solution. The next time that you order new name tags, try our fun and easy to use window name badges. At National Name Badge, every Window name badge features a cutout that allows you to insert a strip of paper with a name printed on it. Plus, for ease of changing names, use our downloadable Word template to print and cut out your own name badge inserts for repeat use. Customize the name tag with your company or organization logo and we will take care of the rest. Try out our window name tags for your next event or party.


  • 1/16" thick shiny plastic - We offer 2 different white sizes
  • We always offer edge to edge, full-color printing
  • Also available in silver, gold, and wood grain
  • Choice of pin, heavy-duty magnetic, clip fastener, pocket clip
  • Foam tape and magnetic tape is also available for affixing
  • Always Made in the USA (Produced in Pennsylvania)
  • Reach us at 1-888-852-2343 or info@nationalnamebadge.com or Chat

Microsoft Word 2013 Icon | Simply Styled Iconset | dAKirby309 Download Print Template Here

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Total : $6.45

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